
Sunday 7 October 2012

Sociology Programs

Are you a gadget person? Have to be first to have the next biggest thing or be on the first wave of the next latest trend? What about brand loyalty in gadgets, clothes, foods, car, or just about anything else you buy? Have you ever considered how a sociology degree might put you right on the leading edge of the marketplace?Most people connect sociology degrees to social work programs and there's very good reason for that. A social work degree is exactly what's needed to work directly with individuals who need a little assistance getting the most out of their lives. Graduates of sociology programs often choose the field of study just so they can work directly with individuals in need. Those earning a masters in social work often direct these humanitarian efforts.Sociology is an important aspect of product development, too, thus the need for graduates with sociology degrees in the design and development phases of some of the most successful products on the market.Remember the old versus New Coke controversy? Sociological studies of the company's market might have prevented the whole mess. A deeper understanding of the sociological aspects of the technologies behind Betamax versus VHS might have spared Betamax developers and investors some unwelcome publicity.The social differences between drivers of a Chevy pick-up, a Toyota Prius, and a Mercedes-Benz SUV may seem obvious but deeper sociological study is required to find out just what it is that makes a person pick a Toyota Lexus over a Mercedes or a BMW.Market studies have been instrumental in the popularity of various products that become must-have consumer goods. Many market studies are conducted by members of the design and development team that earned sociology degrees. People holding a masters in sociology are often called on to design and orchestrate the study.Sociology is an important aspect of product development, too, thus the need for graduates with sociology degrees in the design and development phases of some of the most successful products on the market.Remember the old versus New Coke controversy? Sociological studies of the company's market might have prevented the whole mess. A deeper understanding of the sociological aspects of the technologies behind Betamax versus VHS might have spared Betamax developers and investors some unwelcome publicity.The social differences between drivers of a Chevy pick-up, a Toyota Prius, and a Mercedes-Benz SUV may seem obvious but deeper sociological study is required to find out just what it is that makes a person pick a Toyota Lexus over a Mercedes or a BMW.Market studies have been instrumental in the popularity of various products that become must-have consumer goods. Many market studies are conducted by members of the design and development team that earned sociology degrees. People holding a masters in sociology are often called on to design and orchestrate the study.

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